SLOW member Rob Delaney has written a new book that tells his family’s devastating story, his son’s illness, treatment and untimely death.
A beautifully written, gut wretching extract from the book appears in the The Sunday Times. This is a very hard read and could be triggering.
Rob says:
Why do I feel compelled to talk about it, to write about it, to disseminate information designed to make people feel something like what I feel? What my wife feels? What my other sons feel? Done properly, it will hurt them. Why do I want to hurt people? (And I do.) Did my son’s death turn me into a monster? That’s certainly possible. It doesn’t sanctify you. Things get broken. Maybe it’s because I write and perform for a living that I can’t help but try to share or communicate the biggest, most seismic event that has happened to me. The truth is, despite the death of my son, I still love people. And I genuinely believe, whether it’s true or not, that if people felt a fraction of what my family felt and still feels, they would know what this life and this world are really about.
His book ‘A Heart that Works’ goes on sale this week, with all proceeds being donated to children’s hospices.
Buy it on Amazon Smile here.
If you need support after the death of a child, please do get in contact, our support groups run both in person in North London and online for bereaved parents throughout the UK.