National Day of Reflection

by | Mar 23, 2022 | SLOW News

Connect with Slow

Today is the National Day of Reflection.  It is a way for us, as a nation, to come together and acknowledge those who have died. With compassion and love, we can show those who are grieving that they are not alone.

Today shines a huge light on grief and bereavement. For those in the middle of grief, we feel our grief everyday. We still don’t openly grieve as a society, lots of people don’t know how too and lots of people don’t know how to support those who are grieving.

Today provides an opportunity to openly discuss grief, for anyone that knows someone who is bereaved, please support them, please check in on them, pleased don’t avoid them. You won’t upset them by saying the person’s name who has died, they’ll be thankful that you’ve remembered and that you care.

Practical support is also very well received as well as emotional support. Make a meal, make a cup of tea. Do something instead of nothing for fear of upsetting or saying the wrong thing. Let’s use today to try and normalise grief a bit more.

For any bereaved parents or siblings looking for support, our groups are available both in person and virtually. Please check our calendar on our website to find days and times.

To find out more about our groups and how we can support you email Nikki on – we’re here to support you today and everyday.

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Whether it’s weeks, months or years since your child or sibling died you’ll be welcome here at SLOW.

Take a look at our calendar to find out when the next support groups and workshops are taking place.

Select one of the highlighted dates and then follow the link below the calendar for more information.

Get in touch

For further details for all our groups and workshops contact 07532 423 674 or

You can also get in touch via our contact form and connect with us on social media

Calendar of Events

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