Thank you to our amazing volunteers

by | Jun 1, 2021 | SLOW News

Connect with Slow

It’s volunteer week and it’s been a really challenging year at SLOW with the pandemic and we’d like to thank our many, many special volunteers who help SLOW run in so many valuable ways.

We like to give a shout to these very special people who donate their time freely with a passion and commitment for the work we do to support bereaved families:

  • Susie, Nic and Tim – our expert bereaved parent facilitators
  • Liz and Maria – our welcoming Wednesday group volunteers
  • The wonderful SLOWsibs volunteers – Lisa and Laura
  • Our new SLOWsibs 18+ volunteer facilitator, the lovely Michael
  • One of amazing supervisors, Steve
  • Ben who kindly verified our accounts last year
  • Millie, Geena and Lizette from Herts Uni who are working with us to evaluate our support services
  • We’d also like to thank those who offered to work for free during the pandemic – thank you Clara
  • And finally, our trustees who worked tirelessly over the last year, Pippa, Tim, Kieran, Andrew, Sara, Fin, Samara and Helen

A quote from one of our lovely volunteers:

Walking into a room of bereaved parents for the first time was for me was like finding an oasis in a desert.  I was with others who understood completely how I felt.  It gave me strength to carry on.  As the years have gone by I try to help SLOW regularly in small ways each week because I feel so passionately about its work.   SLOW was and is still my lifeline of which I am proud to be a part.

We whole-heartedly appreciate the time and support you have dedicated to SLOW over the last year.


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Whether it’s weeks, months or years since your child or sibling died you’ll be welcome here at SLOW.

Take a look at our calendar to find out when the next support groups and workshops are taking place.

Select one of the highlighted dates and then follow the link below the calendar for more information.

Get in touch

For further details for all our groups and workshops contact 07532 423 674 or

You can also get in touch via our contact form and connect with us on social media

Calendar of Events

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