SLOW is here to support you following the devastating loss of your brother or sister.
SLOW runs support groups for bereaved adult siblings (18+). These meetings are a place to be yourself and take strength from the support of other siblings, before returning to daily life and its challenges. At our meetings, you can share stories with others who have also experienced the death of a brother or sister.
This group is run by trained bereaved sibling facilitators who have first-hand experience of losing a brother or sister.

Contact information for SLOWsibs 18+
For more information on our adult sibling support groups:
Call 07506 272 309 or Message
Who can come to SLOWsibs 18+ groups?
SLOW welcomes all bereaved siblings over the age of 18 to our groups. It doesn’t matter how long ago or how recent your loss or the varying circumstances in which your brother or sister died – we can still provide you with support.
Our meetings are ‘open’ groups, meaning that there is no pressure to come regularly, or to adhere to a certain number of meetings, but to come whenever it feels right to do so. Siblings are welcome to attend from however far they are prepared to travel.
Our primary aim is to provide a safe space that is welcoming where you can meet and share your experience with other bereaved siblings.

“Adult siblings will feel the loss deeply. The pain isn’t less simply because you’re older. In fact, in many ways, it’s harder. You understand more. You know what it means to die, and you will feel the pain of the loss in a different way than young children, who still haven’t developed abstract thinking and understanding, will.”
What happens at SLOWsibs 18+ Groups?
Like our bereaved parent groups, our sibling groups live, breathe and grow from a simple ethos – we meet, we listen, we talk, we can be silent, we respect each other’s differences and we share our pain. Siblings can talk about whatever is uppermost for them at any given time, rather than attend prescribed theme-based sessions.
At the start of each group, siblings can introduce themselves and share their story or whatever is on their minds. No one is pressurised to talk, for some people just being in the group and listening to other stories is enough.
The meetings are not counselling or therapy groups but self-help, connecting bereaved siblings so they support and share with each other. Whatever is said in our groups is confidential and we also ask that our members are respectful of each other’s views and decisions.
Our primary aim is to provide a safe space that is welcoming where you can meet and share your experience with other bereaved siblings.

“Thank you for such a supportive meeting. It’s terrible that we all find ourselves in this group but I found great comfort of being with others who I can relate to and who I can relate to and who understand the pain and devastation. I felt a real connection to everyone tonight. Thank you for giving us a safe and free space to share. “
SLOWsibs 18+ member

“I find the meetings so supportive and helpful. I feel so less lonely and feel amongst people where grief is understood and accepted. Thank you for setting up the group and all your hard work that goes into it.”
SLOWsibs 18+ member

“Thank you for giving us all a safe space, and inspiring all of us”
SLOWsibs 18+ member
How often do our groups run?
Our SLOWsibs 18+ groups run monthly. All the dates and times of our forthcoming groups are displayed on our calendar.
Members may attend for as long and as often as they feel the group is providing them with the support they feel is helpful.
Our groups are run via Zoom videoconferencing.
How do I join a support group?
Siblings can call 07506 272 309 or email A member of our team (a bereaved sibling) will contact you within a few days to tell you more about the support groups and how SLOW may be able to help.
Please be aware that SLOW is a small charity and our facilitators work just a few hours a week but they will be in contact. This initial contact puts you under no obligation to attend a group but if you wish to come, you’ll be invited and sent a Zoom invitation.