My daughter died when she was seven. I still get waves of terrible grief today

by | May 28, 2016 | Bereavement Articles, SLOW News

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Tim has written about the loss of Naomi and his experience of managing to continue through the grief. He also talks about the help from Helen and Douglas House and also the support group for bereaved dads he started.

It’s been eleven years since Naomi died and I still get sudden waves of terrible grief. But in this group we find real comfort in one another. Some of us have been on real journeys, had relationships break-up and come back together, had more children,  all the things that happen in life. But this is a place where we can bring our relationships with our dead children – it just goes on.

The article was published in this Tuesday’s Telegraph and you can read the article here.

If are looking for support groups in London please get in touch using the details below or take a look at our calendar of events here.

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