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To get in touch please fill out our contact form here or use the numbers and emails provided below.
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Bereaved Parent Support Groups and SLOWsibs

For more information on weekly and monthly support groups for bereaved parents, and sibling workshops:
07532 423 674 or message

SLOWsibs 18+

For more information on our adult sibling support groups:
Call 07506 272 309 or Message

Other Enquiries

For fundraising and any other enquiries:
Call 07532 423 674 or Message

You can also join us for news and updates on Facebook and Instagram here.
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“SLOW works for me as it’s informal; there are no weekly themes or ‘grief exercises’, we just meet, listen and talk. Even though the pain of my losing my little girl is still there, I no longer feel isolated as I have SLOW. “

SLOW member

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“SLOW has been a lifeline for me, it is a place to go to talk about my child, to understand what I’m feeling isn’t unique and that there are other parents who have ‘survived’ the death of their child.”

SLOW Member

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Your donations help us provide continued emotional support for bereaved families.