Your donations help us to provide emotional support for bereaved families after the devastating loss of a child.
Thank you for your support. Find out below all the different ways that you can make a donation.
How to make a donation
Donate via Just Giving
You can make a single or regular donation via Just Giving. If you are a UK tax payer we’d really appreciate you including Gift Aid to boost your donation by 25%

Donate via Paypal Giving
You can make a single or regular donation via Just Giving. If you are a UK tax payer we’d really appreciate you including Gift Aid to boost your donation by 25%

Donate by bank transfer
To donate by bank transfer simply use the following details:
Account Name: SLOW
Account Sort Code: 60-11-14
Account Number: 18632580
Please do let us know if you are donating in this way so we can thank you for the donation!
If you are a UK taxpayer we’d really appreciate you completing the Gift Aid form and emailing it to, as this will boost your donation by 25%.
Alternatively, you can complete the Gift Aid Form online by clicking the button below.
Donate by cheque
Please send any cheques made to ‘SLOW’ to:
1 Kenilworth Road
Please make sure you provide your contact details when you send any cheques so we can thank you!
If you are a UK taxpayer we’d really appreciate you completing the Gift Aid form and sending it with your cheque as this will boost your donation by 25%.
Alternatively, you can complete the Gift Aid Form online by clicking the button below.
Find out how the money you raise helps us support our members
Could cover the cost of one bereaved parent to attend our a fully facilitated support group
Could enable a trained member of our team to speak to a bereaved parent or sibling so they can access SLOW support
Could pay for the costs of a bereaved sibling to come to a creative SLOWsibs workshop
Could pay for the cost of an adult sibling support group run via Zoom
Would enable SLOW to run a face to face bereaved parents support group for up to 12 parents
Find out more about other ways that you can support SLOW

Thank you for thinking about fundraising for SLOW.
Your fundraising, however big or small can make a huge difference and enables us to give support to bereaved families after the devastating loss of a child.
If you want to raise funds for SLOW we’d love to hear from you and support you in any way that we can. Click on the button below for more information and ideas.

We’re always looking for volunteers and we’d love to hear from you if you’d like to get involved with SLOW. We need your help, could you….?
- Welcome members and make refreshments at our support groups
- Assist with our SLOWsibs workshops (especially one for the creative amongst you)
- Organise a fundraising event
- Help out at SLOW events
- Assist SLOW with research and feedback
Come and join us and make a difference. Giving your time as a volunteer is greatly appreciated, please contact us if you’d like to help out.
What our members say

“Without SLOW I wouldn’t be here and I think it’s allowed me to sort of become like a functioning person again. That’s because of SLOW, so I hope it continues to get the funding it needs, because no other group helped me like that.”
SLOW Member

“If anyone ever says I’m thinking of donating money, which charity? I always say SLOW because I know that this will help me for the rest of my life, and others that have lost. I feel like it is the most valuable part of all the support I’ve received, which is a lot”
SLOW Member

“I’ve managed gradually over the years to rebuild my life and SLOW has been there all the time and I’ll support them for as long as I can.”
SLOW Member
Thanks to our supporters